My life has been busy lately.
You might be wondering I am just in semester1, year 1 some more, busy with what? Haha, I guess it is just the 'dont wanna lose' attitude? Because my class is really competitive; compared to others, which somehow makes me more competitive. Sounds complicated? It seems so to me too. It is just like during 'O' levels, when you see people around you working so hard, you would also want to work equally hard.
Anyways, some pictures of my formal presentation..with W24H!
Jereen & JinJin |
Arthur & Zuhair kissing GuoCong |
Medeline & Myself |
Guo Cong & ME. |
Wen Fung & ME |
Eugene (TENNIS COACH) & ME. |
Widdy & ME. |
Melissa & ME. |
Bianca & ME. |
Rihanna & ME. |
I guess good times sure pass really fast huh? In an blink of an eye, semester 1 is over! I really would miss this class a lot a lot..although we are not that united but there is this something which makes me look forward to seeing them. Well, formal presentation is no doubt; a hassle. But after everything, I felt that my way of presentation got a little better now. Nah, just a thought. HAHA.
Well, I am looking forward to the chalet with W24H. :)
Hmmm, GEnRe? I am able to play La Cumpasita liao; quite Hppy!..but sometimes I still get quite upset over some things. Well, I am not stereotyping or whatever, but displaying of strong violent emotions is really not me; I would say. Of course, people might disagree and say displaying of emotion is better than bottling it up. Yes I agree on that, but it affects everyone around you when you display such emotions; and the fact everyone was affected the negative way? It just kind of made it worse.
Ohhh well, shall end off by saying something which I thought was meaningful for me.
People say that 'what doesn't kill you make you stronger'. But I would like to differ by saying 'what makes you stronger kills you too'. Why did I say so? Taking your love ones for example, they have made me stronger by always encouraging me when I fell and helps me get back on track. I would then depend on them. So, if they leave? I thought, I am as good as being killed?
Ohh well, many things in life is not what we want. But many things in life, we can choose what I want to.
Shall look forward instead of looking backwards!