Ever felt like that there is so much you want to do but at the same time, so little things you can accomplish due to many various reasons? The reasons may vary from circumstances, chances, time or even tiredness? Well, this is how exactly I am feeling right now; I want to do so many things but somehow things just do not end up how I imagined them to be. Probably because it is the holidays, that’s why I am feeling this way (having too many things on the ‘to-do-list’). This might just be one of those many excuses I use to comfort myself.
Fact is- I do feel sad, angry and maybe slight disappointment.
One the reasons might be because TianWen left KRR! I have no idea why I felt this sadness within myself when I know he is leaving and going back to China. He was really an eye-sore to me when I first knew him because he was really fierce and he bullies me all the time! But, gradually, we got to know each other and he treated me better then. Although, with the help of Reiko’s birthday, we managed to help him spend his last night in Singapore at SPICE, I still felt this sadness within me. Great World City’s KRR also wrote a card to him expressing all the gratitude and wishes. He actually cried upon us giving him the card- I knew he didn’t want to go back too. But, he couldn’t help it too, because his extension of the work permit is rejected. There is so much I want to do, but yet circumstances weren’t on my side.
TianWen wanted to take this! Although nothing was said out loud, I knew that he wanted to keep this as a parting gift. I always belief that a picture is the best representation of your memories- it captures that one moment of your life which other people may interpret different, and yet, means another thing to you.
I will always remember you too, how annoying you used to be till how you are so good to me. All the best in everything you do. Hope we will meet again someday.
Till then, DO NOT FORGET US!
Well, church was quite happening too.. Anyways, we just concluded our first event: ONE WAY YOUTH RACE! I thought it was fun and enjoyable despite the rain. Hope everyone enjoyed themselves. And big thank you to all that made time to help bond the teens, really appreciate it! More importantly, all glory back to God! :)
On a personal note, this is like the second event I helped planned other then the JOY carnival.
Yanling told me that I looked damn stressed-up. Ben told me to not be so stress. Pastor even better, he said that I always look stressed-up. I asked myself, am I stress? Probably because I am applying what I have learnt in RP? Well, I was running here and there to make sure everything goes as planned and as smooth as possible because I wanted the best possible outcome that will meet the objectives of this event. And I am glad, we did somewhat met the objectives.
Also, the prophecy by Pastor Sonny Ooi was the answer I am looking for, prayer answered. So now, with everything sorted out, I shall put my everything in it and let God do the rest- shall be prayerful again.
This week in church, I feel quite guilty. Because the preacher said God will never forgive if you are unable to forgive others. Then again, those words are so hard to say! And dear Clement managed to do it despite me not talking to him for so long after that 'fight'. Yes, although things are 'cleared', both of us are not as close as we use to be now. Promoting unity in Christ huh? Clement never fails to amaze me. Well, also there is Ike. He said sorry to me already, but why am I so petty last time?! Now, it is my turn to try and seek his forgiveness for not forgiving him that time. He humbled himself and said sorry to me; by right I should have forgive him. Come to think of it, it is almost one year already...feel ashamed of my ugly-prideful-self.
Saying sorry is not something easy, that is, if it is from the bottom of your heart. I come to realized the need to be humble because pride kills. It really does. Hopefully, everything will go on fine.
Although, things will never be the same again- just like how paper is crushed and can never be straight again.
GEnRe is also having progress. We are practicing Medley for one of the composers and Pink Panther is one of the songs and Moon River too! Hope everything will turn out fine. Meanwhile, I am designing the poster!! My photo-shop skills have improved lots but still, it is all trial-an-error. If you know what I mean.
Well, PeiYing is also no longer our adviser. It has been changed to LiWen! Hopefully, we will be able to work with her. Hopefully, this concert will bring the impression of classical guitar to a whole new level. On that note, I also want to learn acoustic style!!! Shall do something about that.
I always feel better after blogging.
Shall make full use of this term break!!
Tired?! It means you are living life well!
''There will be plenty of time to sleep when you're dead, life is for the living, so wake up and enjoy every moment''
-Benjamin Franklin