Saturday, September 28, 2013


This part of the post is specially dedicated to my beloved friends of GEnRe. I have recently attended GEnRe's Annual Camp 2013 from the 16-18 September. This is probably the first time I felt so refreshed in a school camp. Why did I say so? In all honestly, I was having fever the night before and wanted to withdraw from the camp..however, I thought since it's gonna be my last camp because my internship starts, might as well spend some time and enjoy. Despite being sick, I was still so energetic! I was able to still maintain hype and lead a team together with Sharon & Adora! I really thank God for sustaining me through the camp.

Although the number of juniors who came for the camp wasn't much, we really bonded alot. This is probably the only camp I see so many funny things happening. On top of that, the ratio of boys is to girls was 3 boys is to 1 girl- quite shocking for me because the trend was never like that. And GEnRe totally brought "7 Wonders Of The World" to a whole new level. There was one act where there had to be a chest-to-chest contact between two of my juniors who had to do the forfeit. Love my juniors a lot! HAHAHAHAHA!

GEnRe Camp 2013

I was also amazed that a junior gave me a verse from the bible- as usual it blew me away..this verse was Joshua 1:9 (staying strong and courageous). I am now even more stay that God is watching over me. This verse really came alive when I had to make a decision in the leadership of my youth zone. Many doubts and insecurities...Come to think about it, I am really moving into another phrase of life...

Yup, it's really hard to imagine I am growing up so fast! I am on internship now, soon army and then I am going to jump full-fledged into the working force. To add on to my stress, working in a fast-paced company is really no joke- just think about all the communications that is going on internally is enough to make my whole week blue (not to mention having to learn new systems, adapt to new culture and the list goes on...).


That aside, after only 1 week of internship, I realized how much I value my after-work life and my weekends! I have been spending time with my GEnReans lately! After the first day of work, I went to celebrate Erick's birthday! I am not really very close to him but he has been the greatest help I had in GEnRe! Always there ready to support me and help me make tough decisions. Really hope we will continue to meet up even when we are not in the club anymore. 


 Another group of people I met up this week is RunningMan! Sighh, I was really sad that I couldn't join them for the K-Box! I really want to sing my hearts out and relax. Anyways, at the very least, I got to meet them for dinner! But just to sidetrack a bit, I met Adora beforehand to meet them up. And we got lost in Chinatown because we couldn't find the place! I had fun in the process because it feels like amazing race! Had to apologize for making my President go through the "wilderness" with me..HAHA! We went to Saizeriya to dine!

The main draw of dining in this restaurant is to try out their Escargots! Everyone in the table tried it out except for Adora! I was telling her that she needs to overcome her fears. And she replied something like "If someone were to put me in a room with roaches and said I was for my own good, I will probably disown that person after walking out of the room". HAHA! Ok, looks like I cannot play fear factor with her- if not she will disown me! :(

Then we went ahead to chill and had some heart to heart talk session. I think I kind of release all the negative feelings I had stored in me. I feels really good to have a group to talk it out. Ahhhhh! I really love my fellow GEnReans! Cannot express it in words..I hope I can continue this relationship with all of them! Supporting them at their highest and encouraging them at their lowest! After all, I have committed to this IG right?

Alright, I should end this post like this...

I was challenged by my Pastor to pray for myself in the youth zone.
Hmmm, as much as I want something to happen, why am I feeling so much discomfort thinking about it?
Whatever happens, faith is a I guess I have to find answer myself.
Or maybe, I already have the answer in Joshua 1:9?

I should just end here and not think about it.
Till then! 

Saturday, September 14, 2013


It's been ages since I updated the blog. Come to think of it, I forget what was my motivation behind keeping a blog..anyways, I was trying to remove the background music BUT I cannot find the coding behind I think I should stop posting video..LOL! Hmmm, ok back to updating this blog.

I am finally at the end of my life in RP! I cannot imagine how time could pass so fast. It feels as though I just entered RP not long ago. It is really a life changing milestone for me in polytechnic- I have learnt and changed so much mentally and physically. Not to mention all the friends I've met through different events and classes. A part of me actually don't want to graduate. Ironic eh?

Anyways, behind my last semester in RP, I wanted to make the most out of it and so I joined the IGNITE! MUSIC FESTIVAL committee under the marketing team. I cannot believe I actually pulled through an event this massive- just think of all the effort that was in place for this event to take place; not to mention coping with studies which makes everything more tough. I wanna thank my very own team that have accompanied me throughout the executing of all the marketing efforts- GUERRILLA TASK FORCE!


I cannot express how thankful I am for this team. Thank you all for supporting me doing all the "saikang".
Be it sum-comms or crew member, you all did your best in helping out and I appreciate it.
Special thanks to Direk and Rachael for being my right hand man!
Also for ZC and Henry for always helping out even though we are in different teams!
Of course, the staff advisers cannot be left out- special thanks to Liwern and Jasmine.
Well, I'm so glad I was given the chance to lead in this project.
Thank God!

With IGNITE! aside, I was so happy that I attended the Camp Resilience! Come to think of it, it is probably the last SOH-based camp I will even attend. Haha, I am so happy we got to choose our own groupings! In all honestly, everything was great except for the food. The camp was rather free and easy too- we got to play some ice-breakers, dog & bone and captain ball together. Of course, the late night conversations about more personally things which makes everything more memorable. Aiya, let the photo do the talking.


This pretty much sums up my last semester in RP...Ohh, I wanna also thank a few people who studied with me for UT3 and provided me notes because my laptop crushed just before my exams. There is JingWen, Kana and Clarissa. And of course, people who keeps me updated with their notes- Ariel, Eugene and Joycelyn! I feel so blessed to have met friends like them. Anyways, my last activity school-based before my internship starts will be GEnRe Camp! I am so proud of the committee now because I didn't help in the planning process at all- although, I don't really know what is happening within the comms. 
Looking forward to it! :)

I also managed to catch up with my long-time-no-meet secondary school peeps! Well, I have to admit that I really miss hanging out with them- especially when I rmb so we used to play after school like as though we have all the time in the world. Those were the days man! Haha, I am so glad to be able to catch up with Ms Nora and Jiamin especially- because I have not seen them ever since. I am so glad to know all is good with their life. I hope to be able to still keep in contact with these lovely people.

Another impromptu meet-up because I wanted to watch Mortal Instrument since my cell group couldn't make it (sigh). But I still manage to spend an enjoyable Friday night with Mary, YiHui and Evan! It was the last day of UT for me as well. Dinner at XingWang Cafe and then movie! We went to SwirlArt for "supper" and also to chat through the night. And left for home around 2 plus. Didn't expect us to stay up so late.

I have also been spending quite some time with my childhood friend Esther- so much so to the extend people think we are couple. HAHA, but no. She went for interview for a job to kill time during the holidays and tagged me along so we could dinner together. I waited for her in Bugis for around 1 hour. Gosh, my girlfriend also wouldn't be so late, LOL?! That aside, after she came, we went to Ramen Champion for dinner. Suaku us didn;t know the method of buying the food. LOL! We didn't know it was free seating untill the leading host told us. HAHAHA, at least I know now that place is 1 location, many ramen shops.


Overall, this is not a bad place to catch up with friends and talk. During dinner, I said that "I wanted to watch movie initally but because she was so late, we cannot watch it." Then she went to buy tickets for a 935 show and I was like "I never bring jacket leyy, later damn cold how?" And so, we went to buy cardigan for me. As usual, she likes things unplanned. And guess what? During the cardigan shopping, she saw her friend and my shifu. HAHAHA, damn funny when my shifu asked why we were hanging out together. LOL?! Anyways, I am glad my shifu is still as cheerful as ever. Before the movie, we had some time we went to try out BlackBall since it is in the trend now...................

Conclusion: Both of us didn't like it.

Movie and home sweet home.
Ohhh, Esther also makes really nice food. LOL! 



***My father said the mooncake not nice in her face***

HAHAHA, I realised this post is rather long. So I think I should stop here and update next time. I am going to start internship soon together with Vishnu...I have lots of fears that I cannot meet up to expectation. Hope everything will go smoothly for me. Alright, all the best!

Making a difference.