Sunday, March 08, 2015


 I can finally understand how precious time is.
Like really. But I am glad to be able to spent Christmas with my family over meal.
Haha, of all places we could go for Christmas dinner, we ended up in ThaiExpress. Irony much.


So glad to been serving alongside with them for worship. There is are a deeper level of understand what is means when I sing "There's no place I'd be, but here in Your love..." My prayer is that God will raise up more forerunners in church to claim the spirit of worship & intercession.
Cannot wait to see that come to past.

Yup, once again it's her birthday again. I could remember baking cupcakes for her last year. Time really does past by real quickly. I really thank you for journeying with me together with the tertiary cell group. It's definitely not easy to juggle everything that is required of you- be it work relationship or ministry...but I hope that through everything you will come forth as gold!

Things have not been easy. many unneeded thoughts and perhaps too much thinking? 
But Job 23:10 lifted my spirit up in this season.
I hope to be able to overcome & persevere and finally, come forth as gold.
Till then.

Saturday, November 01, 2014


It is finally the end of October. Am I the only person who thinks that this year passed real quickly? Like, we are
 2 months away to 2015...! Probably because I have not been doing much, that's why time seems to be tick faster. This month was quite exciting for me because there were things to look forward to (because most of my friends are in army already)...

So, I was with GEnRe seniors for night cycling! This time, we took a different route! We went from ECP to Gardens By The Bay (GBTB) to Lao Pasat for supper and back to ECP again! It was a good experience considering the fact that it was my second time taking this route. The first time I cycled to GBTB with TDY was totally torturous! Because we cycled to Changi Village for supper, and then back to ECP and then to GBTB and back to ECP again. I still remember how I was grumbling about how my butt is going to give way through the entire journey. I guess the journey to Changi Village was the culprit since I didn't feel the "indescribable numbness" this time round. Yay to night cycling. I think the only negative point about cycling at night is the fact that you'd probably be sleeping the entire day due to fatigue.

Haha, notice how everyone has the wristband on us? We were all wearing it because we cool like that. Actually, I think the real reason why we were wearing that was because...of safety reasons? Cannot really remember though. But it did brighten up the atmosphere a little. I realised how beautiful Singapore is at night. Having said that, I cannot wait to travel around world and see all all the beautiful things that God created and just enjoy myself. Haha, before that can happen, I will probably need to work hard in the near future to realise this dream.
In my bucket list it goes.

Celebrated Gideon's birthday together with the BH peeps @Tony Roma's. It was my virgin experience there. The food was sooooo good and their portion was quite reasonable for their price. Haha, I will never forget how we sang happy birthday song a few times because we were trying to pitch and make fun of the latecomers. Yup, that's Gideon for you. I have just been so blessed to know that there are many burning hearts walking alongside me. More importantly, I am just so humbled.
Just so encouraged and tremendously blessed. Enough said.

I think Tony Roma's served the freshest coleslaw I have ever tasted in my entire life. It was so fresh that I really didn't like it. Because I could taste all the vegetable trying to dominate their very existence in my mouth which...I thought was too much for me.


DESSERT SOMEWHERE ELSE. was Diane's birthday surprise! We went to Backstage Cafe because I think the sisters wanted to try or something? Whatever the reason, the surprise was a success! (Although I was late). I was just so surprised because I didn't backstage was somewhat near the BHinternship area. If I knew earlier, I would have been alot more early (I think). Didn't really take picture of the food but I think it wasn't as good as I thought it will be. Especially after having seen the green pasta (which I appeal to all who are going there to not try..lols!) That aside, I think this place provides a really conducive environment to catch with friends or go for a nice tea break. I will probably come back here again for the really nice atmosphere.




Hehe, October happens to be when I am born too~ Really appreciate those who make time to meet me and wish me. Having been around for the past 20 years, I think the best gift you can give to a person is time. So the first present I received was from S.E.A (Sharon and Adora). Haha, I will put the present to good use, lols! Went to Astons for dinner & XingWang Cafe to chill while they do their handicraft. Speaking of which, I still haven't started doing it. Anyways, the first picture you see below was the bomb. They ordered a dessert that was for 4 persons. I think they ate until brainfreeze?

On the side note, my love for TangYuan is stronger. (PEANUT PLEASE)

I also had a short catch up session with W24H. And...we were talking about army, what else.
Now I believe that army will be the common topic to kick start any conversation. That aside, we also went to Astons and there was a pretty girl serving us at the cashier. Haha, I might actually patronise Aston more if I see her again. LOL! Anyways, because the chin-na in me is raging so we went to have youtiao to satisfy my craving.

Haha, the main thing for me this month wasn't my birthday but my buddy's (since he was turning 21). I am so privileged to be given the chance to sabo him. And I am glad I put effort in making the sabo a success and fun one. Thanks to staying at home and watching all the Korean variety shows, I got I decided to make the sabo game a little different by getting the rest to participate. Anyways, I am glad that it was a successful one considering how everyone laughed and participated in the mini games. And the best part of it was that I ended up getting sabo-ed as well (I expected it to happen). Haha, guess that was why I mixed the eggs unknowingly so that I also donno which is the raw eggs. BUT..all the remianing eggs was on me. TANKS.


 Deepavali was also in October! And my cell group had stayover at the Tan's house as usual. This time round, I took bus instead of MRT to get my way there. And, I was reminded that God loves everyone since bus 65 went pass the Little India district. On the side note, I really hate taking bus. As usual, we played the most violent game before heading for supper. What's new. As well as the Circle of Life before we slept. I had fun although the next day, I felt a little out of place during the Wednesday prayer room set- must have been the drinks.

Because I haven't got the chance to wish this brother HAPPY BIRTHDAY,
I shall do it here. Happy Birthday Brent! :)

This came to me as a pleasant surprise from Diane. I didn't expect this to come.
Thanks Erjie. #OCTALLIANCE

Because Pastor also happen to be born in the month of OCTOBER.


And...I went prawning again!! This time round with Esther & Mason! I have to say, if without Mason, we wouldn't have proceeded with unhooking the prawns smoothly. I still haven't conquer the fear of unhooking prawns. BUT! I improved! In 3 hours I caught 15 prawns. Not bad for a rookie like me. I was so amazed at how I caught mother prawns with eggs. HAHAHAHAHA

And so, there was the fellowship of the burning hearts. Wow, in the prayer room is where one person can be deeper in the place of heaven & earth. There was so much joy in the house that was just overflowing. It is indeed a privilege to be ministering to God with like-minded people. Of course, the food was also SOOOOO good! Thank God that he gave us gifting at different areas.

I think this roughly sums up my October. November is a new season for me because I will be officially serving my country as a NSmen. I will be confined for 2 weekends. I really hope to make the best out of this 2 years so that it will be meaningful to me. On the side note, I will be shaving my hair soon with Terence. New look. New look. Hopefully, I wouldn't be as bad as I think it will be. Anyways, apart from the above, I finished watching this Korean drama called King of High School.

Seo In Guk is quite talented. Hands up for him.
Recommend you to watch if you have nothing to do.

In all honesty, October hasn't been an emotionally easy month.
But I guess I will keep a cheerful heart since it is over!

Till then.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Ohhh, this blog is still around. Looking at my last post, it was around 8th December 2013. And hey, it's October 2014 now. The past 6 months or so have been surprisingly adventurous I would say? Well, as usual, let the picture do the talking..shall start with graduation.

I remember I was panicking because it dyed my hair & shaved the side of my hair.

After graduation, there was plans to look for a job before enlistment or even go for a short getaway to celebrate. None of that came to past. HAHA! BUT BUT, I wasn't exactly wasting my time. I was at least helping out with wedding preparations for my youth leaders who was engaged then.

A lot more was done prior to this photo. I was quite happy to be able to be in the process of the lovely day which was still months away then. I really like designing (#justsaying).


There was Yanwei too, who was my right-hand man. 
I kind of forget to take photo with him on that day..
So below is the best photo I had with him with Clement.

This wedding was a good heads up for myself, for my wedding that is. (HAHA!!)
Notice the back comb in my hairstyle? I was freaking out because it was so flat.
During the wedding, I was already in the midst of the internship of my life then.
A 1 month internship with BURNINGHEARTS- which really was life changing.

It's funny how 1 decision of obedience led to the many folds of blessings.
Cannot help but to thank God.

My first 10km medal. I could still remember having stayed awake the entire night because of BURN OVERNIGHT for internship. Having said that, I felt so much sense of accomplishment to have finished with quite a decent timing I would say? 1 hours 9 mins.

Church camp was definitely refreshing too.
I had the chance to room with 2 boys who reminded me of a very important lesson..
That aside, the key word during that time was kingdom friendship.
No man is a lone ranger.

Also managed to have a BBQ session which not many turn up.
BUT my heart was quite full to see the many of friends who came.
I forget why we had this BBQ session but I could remember one lesson.
Start BBQ fire early.

And poof, I am enlisting next month! I think army is making me confused because it disrupted some momentum. Like, there are better things I could have done or achieve or pursue. But on the other hand, I think army is a good training ground because it will build mental strength which I think is definitely needed in times of bareness. Then again, there is no need to think too much because army is a compulsory thing. Having said that, I was thinking how we humans are all the same, but we all achieve different things at different scales and level. Like...what makes the difference? Talent, passion, commitment, skills or that's just how God created us? The question kind of lead me into what I would like to be doing if I am not limited by talent, passion, commitment, skills or any boundaries possible. I got my answer, but I've decided that I will be a little dream of mine.

Anyway, I actually wantef to delete this blog.
But, I guess I will keep it.

One day, I wanna look back at these posts and laugh at myself for a bit.

I just ended a korean drama called The 1000th Man.
The song below was used for the drama.
The drama is not bad, although I thought it was too fast paced.

Till then!