Wednesday, April 03, 2013


I actually wanted to blog out how I really feel for the past few days.
I have been feeling quite down recently due to a few things...
But some things are probably best left unspoken.

Anyways, I recently helped out for 2XU Marathon! This is the second time I've participated for 2XU marathon as crew member. Bu this time, I helped out with Erick, Amy and Joanna under the welfare team! It was just 4 of us in the team! But I was glad because we manage to clear all the admin process like attendance taking really fast because it's only 4 of us! Thank God! After that, I brought them to 18CHEF for lunch since they've never eaten there before. Love the fellowship! :)

Anyways, holidays is coming to an end! Holidays are never enough man! This coming year is going to be my last year in RP. Gonna continue working hard and finish this part of my race to the best of my ability. But before that, I shall enjoy my holidays! Looking forward to MTA 2013 next week!

Till then!

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