Saturday, March 17, 2012


I am finally back from the 3D2N leadership camp: CREATE! This camp was quite life changing for me because I learnt a lot of things from- communications skills, marketing skills and management skills. Not forgetting the many friends I from with other IGs (Salsa, Wushu and Magic especially) under TRCC. It is also through this camp that I am found motivation to want to lead GEnRe again.

'It is not where you go, it is who you go with.' Does that sound familiar? For this camp, I have got Hidayat who is my President, Irene who is the Vice-President and finally XingMing the Logistics. Sigh, talk about trying to blend, I thought GEnRe failed badly- maybe because none of us wanted to go in the first place. But, honestly speaking, I also didn't want to go at first too; untill I realized so much can be done for my IG. Maybe because I am more proactive and willing to socialise?

With that aside, Zaini is truly inspiring and he really makes sense of what he says, now I really respect him. Just as he have said: 'The group is only as strong as the weakest person.' This really did knock some sense to me because I realised how different I am from the rest of the committee member. It makes me feel so odd-one-out. Honestly speaking, if I am the problem then I will vote myself out because I see no point in the effort of one compared to the effort of many. Because 'the quality of success often depends on how well the relationship of the team is'. With all this in mind, I found motivation to change too, but at the same time, I am not sure if the rest got that 'motivation' to change. Oh well...

I was told by Irene that I tend to over-run Hidayat's position to lead. So I am now more caution of what I am doing so as to make sure I do 'take-over' his role. But on the other hand, if I do not do anything, nothing moves- no discussion, no meeting and everything will still be the same- we all do individual work, which is no point! 'To listen to others have to say, you first have to listen to what they did not say.' I am saying so many things, but how much of it what inside of them?

To make things worst, I got angry with Irene over small matters; which I thought was childish of me. I send her an SMS to apologize after knowing that her tweets are most likely to be directly towards me. If that is what is actually felt, maybe I am really the problem.

Anyways, I still did enjoy my camp!!! :) Thank God for the chance to meet so many people; who is fun and interesting. More importantly, we all share this passion for art- regardless of what IG we are in.

It always feel good to know that there is more people you can depend on sometimes...

I was really glad to know that GEnRe is not 'alone', with that in mind, will it be 'alone' still in the end?

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