Saturday, May 21, 2011

My First Post! SCHOOL! :D

The blog is not really done yet but I guess its alright? Haha, fact is I donno how to do it and I need help!! :( But anyways, hope someone would help me?

Anyways, school have been rather good for me.Really good friends at W24H! :) And it makes me forget about the past? Cant help but to think about it. Come to think about it, time really flies, almost 5 weeks have past! And the bond between each other is stronger each day. And I have to say that I my new found friend is humorous! (Hong Jie may lose to him) OB Module suck, I think is the teacher..but it depends on his mood. :( CCA? I think I will stick with GenRE (guitar) and if possible Handball!!!! I really hope to be able to do sports in poly but not floorball :( And this reason is because DEAR COACH ALWAYS PICK ON ME IN SECONDARY SCHOOL! HAHA, GenRE is really fun today, I learned how to play twinkle twinkle little star! Haha, I feel so noob. Irene was there too! I hope she join GenRE too..and I met Evan's friend HuiHui and another friend HuiYuan (just exchange numbers xD)

Haiz, haven't been doing QT lately (like only one time)..sad to say I have tons of excuses? I think I really have to buck up reading the bible more or I will really be lacking in spiritual growth. I really start to wonder about how other sees me- am I really making an impact to their lives? I shall answer myself *NO! :( But, I am still glad that the HS is living in my!! Yay!! I feel convicted and I repented knowing that I have become a better person?

HAHA! This post is like a bit weird for the first post. Anyways, I am sleepyyy and tired, lazy to type liao. Shall stop here. :D

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