Sunday, May 22, 2011

One of my worst/best weekends :)

The weekends suck! I am really so damn tired!!! On saturday, I woke up at about 10 plus and dilly dally *as usual...hahas! Anyways, i was watching pokemon and I realised, there is a lot of weird breeds in pokemon now. I prefer the one and only pikachu? And I watch power ranger after that! I donno what version it is but they are fighting with this virus aka machines. Interesting much? After that I bathed and it rain! So, i call Irene and we cab to work :)) HAHA! And the worst happened. I forget to pass the cashier (which is Irene) the $112.80 bill and the customer left!!!!! Wt*? After that I am damn pissed, but I give up even trying to explain and told my manager I will pay after work. But guess what? My boss says he forgive me and cancelled the order and I dont have to pay!!! :)) Thank God* Brought Mac and went to Annicia's house to awhile and I went home late at 1230 feeling tired...

Sunday!! I went to church and I lead praise with Joanne! Haiz, I still not 'good' enough..but I guess I improve? Hahas..the I rushed to KFC and had my first lonely meal in my life :(( Anyways, I was late for work..cause I couldn't find a toilet that is not 'cleaning in progress' to change into my uniform :(( Haha, had a fun time..But this guy in my work place is 'scary'..I called him 'errr' and he said, 'I have a name' when I was just trying to take my bag out form the storeroom .__. Haha, after work, I went to Irene's house and spent 1hour waiting for her. . .as always. Then we went to SIM LIM! And we brought ourselves mouse and screen protector and cleaning kit. Then dinnerED together at Mac *again -.- because Bugis full of people everywhere. Best part, when back to Irene's house to put the screen protector and guess what? We both had difficulty putting it perfectly...*there is lots of bubles and mine got this ugly looking scar T-T Sad sia..And after writing sooo much, I realised, I am still at Irene's house at 1110. 1 more minute to 1111. HAHA!

My second post at Irene house *room sitting on this JigSaw thingy. :)) Tired!! Going home to sleepppp!

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