Friday, May 27, 2011

The VIRGIN UT week.

This week was a rather bad week...firstly there is understanding test! :(( And I think I am going to fail my science badly thanks to physics (the circuit i do opposite; more resistance, lesser current flow there) TSK! *Points L* Well other than that, I have new groupmates! I am really getting more and more lazy. HAHA, first week of school sooo ENTU; find nice nice picture put and eat lunch quickly -VS- no more picture now and slowly eat lunch. Lols? Ohhh, guess what? My group did a video on fire emergency plan in school! Eugene is soo funny because his role don fit his face. Hahas. But I enjoyed working with the team. :)) 

And, this week, I am really a 'good' student. Almost everyday stay back in school study. Hahas, one of the lastest time I reach home from school (12 plus). And guess who I am with? Jaslyn and PangPang. HAHA. We were in the library..doing MATHS! LOG -.-''' Then HongXuan came in and sat behind us. He got this super 'dao' face? LOLS! I also got this face? I wonder....then Jereen and Medlene came to ask me  how to do this Maths question. After that, got this question; I feel cheated. I used the correct method but got different answer! :(( In the end Jaslyn's friend did what I did and got the correct answer. :((( Haha, then dinner and continued doing complete the square =D! Went home and slept like a day wake up late. :(( HAHA, pig sia!

Next, I am going to talk about this friend of mine; Guo Cong. He is weird -.- Eh, hope you see this. You got Pinocchio face! HAHA! He is a person which I think is more amusing then HongJie; my secondary friend. Guess they will be really good friends if they are together. Anyways, I am suppose to write essay on him. How? He got big eyes, long and sharp nose and humongous mouth! Other then that, he stays at this weird place! JA PANG DUNG? Where ever it is -.- HAHA, i rather him be Stanley's friend. At least I know where Palau Ubin is. Hahas! Okay, this is not really a essay but who cares? :))

This week cab a lot of times :(( Waste money :(( Anf today I did the most impossible thing. I cab to school from Woodlands! OHHHHH~ I could have walk. But I didn't ay a single cent because Jaslyn paid.. LOL~ And PangPang spray perfume on me! :(( I almost fainted. LOL; plus the cab got lemon smell EFFECT X2 (DEAD!!) Hahas, had fun though :))

Didn't do QT this week. I feel bad :( But I am really tired. And to think that there is going to be a overnight prayer thingy, I thought it is good for me to bring myself back to God. But after thinking it again, after awhile, I would still go back to my old ways. :(( Haiz, and I am tired is not a excuse? I wished sometimes, I don't have to go through something extra that other teenager don't. Sucks?! 'What do you want from me?'

Anyways, when I think of the past now, they actually meant something to me. I didn't really want to argue back so minimizing the risks of seeing you or your post makes me feel better. When you try to talk bad about me, at least I don't see it. You can say I am childish or timid; whatever; even if I cared, and tried saying sorry, you don't wanna listen. So I find it pointless like how you find it pointless too. Not that I hate you but if I can protect myself, why not?

HAHA, i shall end with saying, I am found myself in a new pool of good, fun and lovely friends! W24H; FOP TEAM5; GenRE; W46F :)) And many more individuals. So I am going to start my new chapter and make sure I have a happy ending :))

I blogggggg so much! Hahas, shall stop here. WOOHOO! I survived this week! 2 more UT to go! Looking forward to my holidays!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA :)))))))

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