Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Maybe it is just me...

It's been awhile since school had started..and a lot of things have been happening in my life knowingly and unknowingly. Haha, I sounded like someone that is lost and confused? To be honest I am.

I am lost because I don't know what to do. Everyone comes to a point in life that they have to make a choose and give up other things. For me I try to compromise everything so I don't have to give up...apparently it is physically, emotionally and spiritually demanding! Looking the way I am heading, I think I am already going to died soon spiritually* Physically; I am super tired..* Emotionally; don't look about it* But what's really amazing is that after choosing, be it whether it is for the better for for the worst, I felt better...maybe because there is no longer this burden? I also don't no.

Well, enough of being so down.. :)
Hmmm, school have been really fun for me..I am coping fine; better than expected. Haha, but unfortunately, my UT1 for Science I got a C+ (all thanks to physic) Anyways, the new groups I am working with is awesome! Although we have different backgrounds and abilities, we are still able to work together! What truely amazed me is how much others cherish friendship. For my class although we have been together got only like 7 weeks? We are cliqued already* And thanks to them, I am playing L4D (a game which I would never touch in the past)...guess people change too over time.

HAHA! For GenRE!! For GenRE, we have been playing the same annoying twinkle twinkle star song. I am kind of bored of playing it, but when we come together and play with other people, the feeling and satisfaction , no words can describe :)) I didn't regret choosing GenRE over a sport SLA which I needed considering the fact I have meet so many awesome friends! My fingers are also more nimble now :)) Happy!

Haha, I shall side track a bit..I don't know why my stomach have been weird these days. Just recently, there is this pain (don't know if it is gastric) but it is quite annoying and unbearable. I hope it is not serious...anyways, if this goes on and if the pain don't stop, I will go see doctor (HAHA, excuse for not working!) And I think there is tape worm in my stomach~~ I am like forever hungry .___. I shall find a way to exterminate them once and for all even if it means to drink that black herbal soup thingy :(( 

I shall blogg again soon...
Oh I change the design into something more simple and...I like it~ *thumbs up* :)))

Friday, June 10, 2011

A nice song....

Haha, this song is is by Jay Chou. Well, only those who have been through it know what this song means, enjoy!! :)

Thursday, June 09, 2011


ME!! :)

Shuai Boy Erick! :)

JuniorBoys!! :)

Dear Sharon :)





GenREans! :)))))

Team Cui~~ (3)

XinMing!! :))

Worms! :)

Another cool guy Darren! :))

Haha, this is almost all of whats happening in the camp...I really had a lot of fun..listening to really cheers me up..I saw this quote 'When Life gives you hundred reasons to cry, show life that there is a thousand more worth reasons to smile'..This would definitely be one of my reasons to smiles :))) GenRe! :)

Dear CAMP! :))

Waaahh, another week going t end- time passes so fast that sometimes I think I forget to reflect about it. Haha~~ Shall so some updating now…

Hmmm, this week has been a rather fun week for me because it is holidays!! Like who don’t like holidays? LOLS. But guess what? I spent my holidays in school…GenRE Camp!! I met a lot of new friends and we really had a good time together; be it practicing guitar or eating, sleeping, bathing, playing and even joking. We all had lots of laughter  as a family of GenRE. Even Irene too found herself some really good friends and cliqued when we only spent 1 day together; same for me too.

For the first day, I meet Irene at Tiong Bahru then we travelled to Woodlands to meet HuiHui and HuiYuan. Haha, because I was hungry, I went to buy breadtalk and a cup of milo..woohoo~ Cited up for the camp..we played this ‘pass the rubber band using straw’ game and LOL; my face was for the first time, so close to another guy (-.-lll) but of course I got to know about more people in the process..we did more games to break the ice and WHOOFF; it was night time! I went to bath with Xing Ming and Erick! Quite awkward because we donno each other yet..and the water is damn cold. *RP’s temperature PMS* Woohoo!!! The first night has begun! Guess who I slept with? My senior who is a girl! LOLS? Her name is Sharon and she is damn funny and I quite cute larrr? Hahas, she has got this great voice which I thought wasn’t that bad. We played the ‘’ game together which ZhiYin (president) and JB (JunBo) and of course Erick and myself plus the lovable Sharon have to sing chinese song that includes the word in it...Just to summarize, I was the first to get eliminated…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~

Next day, woke up and I was freezing cold *RP’s temperature PMS* so I had no choice but to walk out of Agora hall with jacket and quickly go to the bathing area to change and bath..Haz and Erick was with me to bath…when we bathed, the immediate reaction by Haz was ‘ahhhh, the water so warm, F*** the water so cold!’  why? Because although the water is cold but because Agora hall is colder so it is warm, then our body ‘adlust the temperature and hmmmm, IT IS COLD -.- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~~ HA-CHU! Then went to eat breakfast with Erick and continued to bond for another day! HAHA, amazing race was super fun! TEAM 2 (my team- Sharon was the leader) won!! Happy~~Awesome!! Then we played captains’ ball..SENIOR VS JUNIORS..the funny thing is, the score is 1-7 HAHAHAHA~ Senior lost badly..TOO BAD :P Then went to bath with Martin and Junbo and XingMing and James..HAHA, I only rmb one thing!! JunBo’s boxers damn sexy!! Followed by XingMing’s underwear..the rest…was normal. LOL. Then went to meet Erick and Haz to go 7/11 and of course Ashly and our angry bird lover KaiYin!! LOL. We brought snacks to prepare for the night…. Guess what? Before we slept the last activity that we actually planned was to watch horror movie in the theater. The show was silent scream or something. I was sitting with Erick (Haz PS* us for girls -.-) and Sharon…the movie was sickening but nice ending though…everyone died apparently..LOL? And it made Sharon cried!! So this movie sucks officially because it made her cry. Then we wrote reflections of the camp and (I am posting it later…together with the photos) it ended at 11.17….so late. Then we played ice and water and worm race (stand and jump in sleeping bag) LOL. FUN TO THE MAX..and we sung chinese songs together!!! FTW!! Tired liao then we all sleep..and we were still making musically together by snoring..LOL SO BONDED EH?

Last day was photo-taking…and I went home with LiJun, Sharon, Darren, Erick, Martin & Hidaya. Walked to MRT station and HAHAHAHA, tired but still in camp mood…HOME SWEET HOME. And Irene owes me a favour man, I carried her bag to her maid without her. LOL, she go Jammerz Arena camp…HAHAHA!  

Some things which I thought was funny…
#1. Sharon snore got momentum!! LOL. 15mins interval.
#2. Dear Erick always has foreign white ‘hair’ on his facial hair. LOL* Stuck?
#3. The seniors called themselves ‘THE SUCKERS’
#4. I am in the cliques of ‘aunties’ with Jattlyn and Judy
#5. The animal games!!
#6. Mr Frog -.- (people say he look like me)
#7. Worms attack!!

Shall end here, I will wait for the photos to be uploaded first then I post more.
WOOHOO~ I am officially GenREan!  

Sunday, June 05, 2011

Not just any other week...

Yet another week just past…WHAT A TIRING WEEK I HAD!

On Monday, we had OB (organizational behaviour), I was quite fun because there is not need to do any presentation! Haha..and my class was already in the holiday mood because holidays is 2 days away!! YAY!! The next day was Cognitive thinking and Processing skills; It was the first time my class did gallery walking..first experience was not bad. Well at least all my group members participated!! It was fun doing gallery walk and stuffs I enjoyed myself. Then, the next day was Communications skills….I spent the whole day watching Britain’s got talent: Susan Boyle. I had to read her body language for the task of the last day of school!!! HAHA! Snap shots lots of funny photos of her.

Oh…I forget this important thing. My class had a colour code on the last day of school! It was black! And the turnout was good, everyone participated..oh…I am going to start reproaching myself again. I was taking class photo and guess what? Instead of uploading it, I deleted it..Wow? I also donno why I deleted it, but I am glad that my classmates really encouraged me by saying that we will have another chance to do so, little things like this I really appreciated it. But after thinking; we will be separated soon…in 9 more weeks..that, is not appealing to me. 

Anyways, since I am still on the topic, I shall go WOOHOO! I suddenly got into this fun and loving family with Alicia as my Mother and (Oh…I am fatherless in this family) and lots of cousins and aunties. I also donno why? But, I like the feeling when we all hang out together, it reminds me of secondary school days...when we all study, play, eat and go crazy together. Haha…
On Thursday; first day of holiday; I woke up at 9.01 -.- Guess what? Dear kid called me and ask me to go kite flying with him. But I was really too tired so I rejected him..LOL!! I feel so bad, I know they miss not having me around :D Now I feel so bhb. Then I went to Lowell’s house and slacked…I played XDO with him! Reminds me of the first time I played O2 JAM...!! At HanRong’s house! HAHA. Lowell is still as good as ever, I think I have never won him in any games yet -.- LOL! Then we went of dinner and bie fu…haha!!! The A4 size tissue still was in our conversation. Then we went to POOL!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! I still enjoy being with them, guess some feelings remain unchanged?

It’s Friday!! Guess what? I am so self-disciplined! LOL? Even though it was holiday, I still went to school for OB lecture; how cool was that? Then suppose to go for GenRE but it was too last minute, so I SMS to excuse myself so I could attend encounter weekend.

Haha, talk about encounter weekends. I didn’t even really attend it, I was partial lor? Because I had to work…AIYA? Well, at least I went home feeling different…I cry during worship because I know where am I standing in terms of being with God and I felt him wanting me back.. I think it did change me or rather it renewed my feelings towards God. I have to admit that I really am too tired…even my friends also said I GILA alady. Because I go to school (which is like so far), then attend SLA/CCA, still go work and somemore go church. LOL? I superman liao lorr…? I also donno laa..then catch up with my buddy for a while, it made me feel better after talking to him..Hmmmm, ‘Learn to let go’ was said to me on that day too...I think it is easier said the done..well, I think I stood corrected that day?
Woohoo! Work was tiring but yet satisfying..not to mention the fact that I thought I am getting along with them more and more after each week. Haha!!!

YAY!! Finally, it is class gathering!!!! (I didn’t go church because I overslept?) Anyways, I meet Irene in cab…SORRY JIAMIN FOR MAKING YOU WAIT..YOU ARE THE BEST CHAIRMAN EVER!! Anyways, we lunched at 18CHEF at Kenny’s pants** (inside joke) with Jason Evan Alan Jason Kenny** TongSheng Irene JiaMin Angela Sheril Hureen Qian Yi. Then we split to watch movies. Those who watched INSIDIOUS with me were Lowell, Alan, Evan, Irene and QianYi…I was sitting beside Lowell and Alan, HAHAHAHAHA! Because INSIDIOUS is quite scary, I somewhat shouted into Alan’s ears. LOL. Sorry.. Then after the movie we meet YanLin XueWen Nicholas to go to Yusum’s house via MRT. WOOHOO!! Then we took lots of photos and ordered PIZZA!!! Had as great time bonding and laughing. 

Ohh, I also helped out in acting for Irene’s and Yanlin’s project..together with Nigel JiaMin Yanlin herself Alan…HAHA, I concluded that acting is tough...shall post the video and some photos soon..

Woah I wrote so long liao…shall stop here..Anyways, I am really tired this week but I manage tonpull it through; so thank God! I know my life ain't going to be easy but I am not going to let life make me feel uneasy :) Shall remain positive.

How I feel: Whenever I am with my friends* I always forget about those troubles that I have and I can laugh and smile and be who I wanna is were the bond is so strong between each other that sometimes, even without telling you how I feel; they know. And the feeling, I also cannot express in words...maybe the closest would be the feeling of satisfaction? Nah, not really..HAHA! :)) 
(Memories of 4F'10-etched in my mind forever.........)