Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Maybe it is just me...

It's been awhile since school had started..and a lot of things have been happening in my life knowingly and unknowingly. Haha, I sounded like someone that is lost and confused? To be honest I am.

I am lost because I don't know what to do. Everyone comes to a point in life that they have to make a choose and give up other things. For me I try to compromise everything so I don't have to give up...apparently it is physically, emotionally and spiritually demanding! Looking the way I am heading, I think I am already going to died soon spiritually* Physically; I am super tired..* Emotionally; don't look about it* But what's really amazing is that after choosing, be it whether it is for the better for for the worst, I felt better...maybe because there is no longer this burden? I also don't no.

Well, enough of being so down.. :)
Hmmm, school have been really fun for me..I am coping fine; better than expected. Haha, but unfortunately, my UT1 for Science I got a C+ (all thanks to physic) Anyways, the new groups I am working with is awesome! Although we have different backgrounds and abilities, we are still able to work together! What truely amazed me is how much others cherish friendship. For my class although we have been together got only like 7 weeks? We are cliqued already* And thanks to them, I am playing L4D (a game which I would never touch in the past)...guess people change too over time.

HAHA! For GenRE!! For GenRE, we have been playing the same annoying twinkle twinkle star song. I am kind of bored of playing it, but when we come together and play with other people, the feeling and satisfaction , no words can describe :)) I didn't regret choosing GenRE over a sport SLA which I needed considering the fact I have meet so many awesome friends! My fingers are also more nimble now :)) Happy!

Haha, I shall side track a bit..I don't know why my stomach have been weird these days. Just recently, there is this pain (don't know if it is gastric) but it is quite annoying and unbearable. I hope it is not serious...anyways, if this goes on and if the pain don't stop, I will go see doctor (HAHA, excuse for not working!) And I think there is tape worm in my stomach~~ I am like forever hungry .___. I shall find a way to exterminate them once and for all even if it means to drink that black herbal soup thingy :(( 

I shall blogg again soon...
Oh I change the design into something more simple and...I like it~ *thumbs up* :)))

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