Thursday, June 09, 2011

Dear CAMP! :))

Waaahh, another week going t end- time passes so fast that sometimes I think I forget to reflect about it. Haha~~ Shall so some updating now…

Hmmm, this week has been a rather fun week for me because it is holidays!! Like who don’t like holidays? LOLS. But guess what? I spent my holidays in school…GenRE Camp!! I met a lot of new friends and we really had a good time together; be it practicing guitar or eating, sleeping, bathing, playing and even joking. We all had lots of laughter  as a family of GenRE. Even Irene too found herself some really good friends and cliqued when we only spent 1 day together; same for me too.

For the first day, I meet Irene at Tiong Bahru then we travelled to Woodlands to meet HuiHui and HuiYuan. Haha, because I was hungry, I went to buy breadtalk and a cup of milo..woohoo~ Cited up for the camp..we played this ‘pass the rubber band using straw’ game and LOL; my face was for the first time, so close to another guy (-.-lll) but of course I got to know about more people in the process..we did more games to break the ice and WHOOFF; it was night time! I went to bath with Xing Ming and Erick! Quite awkward because we donno each other yet..and the water is damn cold. *RP’s temperature PMS* Woohoo!!! The first night has begun! Guess who I slept with? My senior who is a girl! LOLS? Her name is Sharon and she is damn funny and I quite cute larrr? Hahas, she has got this great voice which I thought wasn’t that bad. We played the ‘’ game together which ZhiYin (president) and JB (JunBo) and of course Erick and myself plus the lovable Sharon have to sing chinese song that includes the word in it...Just to summarize, I was the first to get eliminated…HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~

Next day, woke up and I was freezing cold *RP’s temperature PMS* so I had no choice but to walk out of Agora hall with jacket and quickly go to the bathing area to change and bath..Haz and Erick was with me to bath…when we bathed, the immediate reaction by Haz was ‘ahhhh, the water so warm, F*** the water so cold!’  why? Because although the water is cold but because Agora hall is colder so it is warm, then our body ‘adlust the temperature and hmmmm, IT IS COLD -.- HAHAHAHAHAHAHA~~~~ HA-CHU! Then went to eat breakfast with Erick and continued to bond for another day! HAHA, amazing race was super fun! TEAM 2 (my team- Sharon was the leader) won!! Happy~~Awesome!! Then we played captains’ ball..SENIOR VS JUNIORS..the funny thing is, the score is 1-7 HAHAHAHA~ Senior lost badly..TOO BAD :P Then went to bath with Martin and Junbo and XingMing and James..HAHA, I only rmb one thing!! JunBo’s boxers damn sexy!! Followed by XingMing’s underwear..the rest…was normal. LOL. Then went to meet Erick and Haz to go 7/11 and of course Ashly and our angry bird lover KaiYin!! LOL. We brought snacks to prepare for the night…. Guess what? Before we slept the last activity that we actually planned was to watch horror movie in the theater. The show was silent scream or something. I was sitting with Erick (Haz PS* us for girls -.-) and Sharon…the movie was sickening but nice ending though…everyone died apparently..LOL? And it made Sharon cried!! So this movie sucks officially because it made her cry. Then we wrote reflections of the camp and (I am posting it later…together with the photos) it ended at 11.17….so late. Then we played ice and water and worm race (stand and jump in sleeping bag) LOL. FUN TO THE MAX..and we sung chinese songs together!!! FTW!! Tired liao then we all sleep..and we were still making musically together by snoring..LOL SO BONDED EH?

Last day was photo-taking…and I went home with LiJun, Sharon, Darren, Erick, Martin & Hidaya. Walked to MRT station and HAHAHAHA, tired but still in camp mood…HOME SWEET HOME. And Irene owes me a favour man, I carried her bag to her maid without her. LOL, she go Jammerz Arena camp…HAHAHA!  

Some things which I thought was funny…
#1. Sharon snore got momentum!! LOL. 15mins interval.
#2. Dear Erick always has foreign white ‘hair’ on his facial hair. LOL* Stuck?
#3. The seniors called themselves ‘THE SUCKERS’
#4. I am in the cliques of ‘aunties’ with Jattlyn and Judy
#5. The animal games!!
#6. Mr Frog -.- (people say he look like me)
#7. Worms attack!!

Shall end here, I will wait for the photos to be uploaded first then I post more.
WOOHOO~ I am officially GenREan!  

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