Thursday, July 11, 2013


A sweet encouragement from a special someone in my club.
Hello Teckguan,

Thank you for helping us in all our work so far. Thank you for feeling stress together with us too hahah ! x.x Hopefully your patience and anger management are getting better because of us ! (: Blessing in disguise hahah !

Anyway, if you have the time and energy, can go listen to Once Again ! Nice song you can worship with ! Hahaha :D

Looking forward to Camp ! & no, let's not worship together... hahah !
In the meantime, good luck for all your UTs ! May God grant you wisdom as you do your work and get yourself busy for ignite! Take care of yourself and don't fall sick anymore ! (:


I know that it is not easy working with people whom you don't have any chemistry with- but the Bible says we are suppose to be overcomer right? So, I personally believe you will be able to do. I will always keep you in prayer! I hope you will write a beautiful chapter in your journey of understand yourself and walk even closer to God. Like I said, I am always 8 numbers away whenever you need me! :)

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