Monday, December 12, 2011


Hey, look whose blogging again? Me. Shall make it a short one.

Everyone has thoughts right? Some should be shared while some shouldn't even be spoken of. Then today, I asked myself this question. If I want to share my thoughts, who can I share it with? I think for very long. And I realized, I don't really have anyone to share with. Corrections; I don't have anyone I am comfortable with to share with. Where are all the important people that is suppose to be in my life? Why are they not with me?

I have to admit; I always put up a strong front- sometimes slightly negative. What can I do? Nothing but to express it like that- with a sad face. I know that God would never fail me; but at the same time I cannot helped it but to feel negative. You know that feeling? When something big happens and you cannot sleep? And the only thing you can do is to think of that sickening problem; trying to solve it but nothing happens. It's frustrating, no doubt about it.

Anyways this tweet encouraged me. 'Look at the prize, not the price'- this I thought was quite true.

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