How's life? For me, a lot of things have happen- good and bad. And guess what? I am still surviving.
The worksheet~ |
Last week, the was two field trips. One to Sentosa, another to Orhcard. This makes me conclude that learning out-of-class sucks. Because it is not conducive enough, and makes it hard to actually finish the task given. Ok, maybe because for both the trips, it rained quite heavily. Either way, I still did enjoy because I actually got to know my classmates better. Alright, as usual I let the photos talk...
Vaheeni is really a nice person. I have always play racist jokes on her but guess what? She don't really mind. I think what makes her funny is her smile? She got the natural look that makes people laugh, I guess?
That is Elfin. She is a tennis-player! I don't really know her well but I find her really open- not in a bad way. I guess the correct word to use to sociable? Hmmm....
And here is Theresa and Juliet- smiling so brightly. I know Theresa since GenRE camp. She is really kind-hearted and always willing to help in class. Next to her is Juliet- I didn;t really have good impression of her at first. But through Theresa, I got to know her better. She is actually no difference for other girls; although she tend to be quite fierce often a times. Glad to know both of them are believers of God.
And there we go; we took our first official class photo I think? And the photographer is Greg. He didn't really want to be in the photo so he volunteered. I feel happy just because we took this photo- because in the near future, this is a prove that we were, at least, once class-mates.
Didn't I mention we went to Sentosa? In Sentosa, we have our HTM module where I was teamed up with a all boys group. I am actually the youngest among them. But guess what? There is still a kid in each of them; after spending a day with them; although there is a difference in our age, it kind of meant nothing.
This is our first stop. I think Brandon took this photo (because he camera shy). The SAND BAR. Oh, if you are wondering where id our other two team-mates; they went smoking and we kind of 'lost' each other. Some kind of joke right? But they managed to contact us still; via the girls.
Next up, the Siloso beach. I forced Brandon to take photo. Oh well at least he smiled, right?
If I remembered, Greg approached this Indian to help us take this photo. He wanted a group photo. Credits to the Indian that helped take this picture.
We were finally going to meet up the lost sheeps. We went to Mc' Donalds to get ice-cream cone. And we finished almost half of our worksheet?
And finally, we came together at the Merlion. I like this picture; makes me feel like a little brother with 4 big brothers taking care of me. Ok, the only reason why I am in the middle is because I am short. Full Stop.
We couldn't find anyone to take photo for us! Glad I met YiJin and Medeline! They helped us take photo. Something that shock me was a comment made by one of the boys: 'They go as a class sia, not like us, split up...' Something like that...I always thought otherwise; like they like to work alone? Either way, at least I know how they think. We also go to this souvenir shop. Got this very nice thing 3D-caved-photo. Apparently, there only got lots of couple photo; so I made a comment which attracted the sales-person. I said: 'Next time, when I have girlfriend then come.' She replied me something like no need girlfriend also can. 'Ok!'- I replied this and walked out of the shop. EPIC FAIL?
We were walking to our last stop. And we saw this. I said I wanted to make sand-castle. Surprisingly, this two boys are also interested. And the above sand-castle is not ours. It was some random kid's.
We were finally done with our worksheet, after so long. I like this photo the best. Credits to another group from another class.
Finally, we wanted to lunch. We wanted to eat KFC. But Brandon is a vegetarian. So we had a hard time deciding. We in the end, we went to KFC. Poor Brandon only can eat cheese fries. But at the same time, I salute him for being so committed in his relationship; hardly can find guys like this; extinct creature? Maybe.
And finally the Sentosa trip is over! :))
We went to VIVO and watched HappyFeet 2. THERESA. HUIWEN. HAZ. DESHAWN. I was quite entertaining I guess? But I thought it was a waste to not be able to watch You are the apple of my eyes.
This is my PMS group. We were in Orchard. This is the only group photo I have. Anyways, if not for the rain, I am sure everything else would have been better. Because my shoes are soaked wet that day, it kind of spoiled my mood. But nonetheless, these girls did cheered me up with their 'shopping'. Enjoyed my day.
Alright. Now for some GenRE. I was appointed as the Events Manager. Didn't really know to be happy or sad. But I am glad to have Nisa (my bass partner) with me! :)) Other than that, we are practicing hard? Got lots of scores; Canon In D, Air-on-G, RiverFlow. Oh well, I guess staying in GenRE ain't that bad after all? Hope everything goes well. Looks like there is more commitments.
With happy moments; there would sure to be sad moments. I am disappointed with someone. I really want to depend on someone; but somehow, I don't dare. Because things just don't seem to work well; at least for me. It is like trying to tell an elephant to try breaking loose from the rope after it is being tied to a tree for years; it just wouldn't work! People tend to give up; like me. It is not about whether I give chance or not; it is about whether you really wanted to change for the better. You know how much it equally hurts on the inside? I am not talking to you because I am angry; depressed. Just because I don't show it does not mean I don't care. I don't want to live in the world made up of your fabrication of lies; because it sucks- BIG TIME. I trusted you but in the end...? Oh must be playing a prank on me.
I am starting to think if the main reason why I am so tired is due to the sadness.
Didn't go church this week. I was too tired...
Dear God, help me to be an over-comer. In Jesus' Name, AMEN.
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