Thursday, October 18, 2012

18th October 2012

Today is the official day that marks my 18 years of living on Earth. 
Although it was my birthday, it felt as though it was just like any other day- plain, normal and simple. 
But, I really appreciate the effort that my beloved friends put in to make my feel special on this special day.

Although I wasn't surprised...
I would still wanted thank you guys!
Ariel. Maryanne. Tracy. Bi Yun. Jia Yi. Terence. Chia Ming.
The cake to the presents!
And also, thanks to all that contributed to the presents.
Thanks to me GEnReans juniors who sing the birthday song so loud in TRCC too.

I was told to make a wish today while blowing the cake. To be honestly, I didn't wish for anything. It's not that my life is so prefect that I had nothing to wished for, its just, I don't know. I did present my requests to God like what Uncle Johnathan told me, "If God is the true God, He better prove that He is there, living. No point for us to believe in second-hand religion right?" But, sad to say, it didn't happen. Sigh, looks like I will figuring things out myself again huh?

Anyways, I went for scholarship talk today. I know, spending my special day for a scholarship is nuts, but I need it so I am prepare to take it. During the talk, I was thinking how it would change my life because not only will I have to serve bonds, I will also have to intern there. And I was just thinking back at what some of my friends said to me "Let's choose the same intern company..". Not only that, serving the bond would also mean I will not be able to further my studies, is it a good or bad thing to just hold a diploma? There is just so many things to consider. Up till now, October 2012 wasn't really nice to me- its just problems after problems after problems. I want to go by the beach and shout it all out. Maybe I shall do that one day..

I have been telling myself everything will be worth it, just persevere.
It's not easy..but just persevere.
Something might come out of it.
I will let time do the job again.

18-10-2012, just another normal day.

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