Sunday, October 14, 2012


As usual, we meet up again before the semester starts again. This time we when for a Dim Sum buffet at YUM CHA! Good thing is that its freaking near my house- Chinatown only. So next time, I can bring my friends there to chill and eat good food. And I saw one of the singer "Chen Wei Lian"! So happy to be able to see him face to face, if only I took a photo with him. Anyways, I had a good time catching up with them.

I also want to thank them for a surprise birthday cake for me! Its really quite unexpected because its still quite awhile before my birthday. I really appreciate all of your efforts especially the fact that someone took note that I like cheese cake, damn touched, and of course the presents~! It fits me perfectly  thanks guys. 

After we were all deciding what to do next. And it kind of made the situation slightly sour because we couldn't decide on where to go- especially what movie to watch. And Tessa reminded me to not be selfish and take a step back. Kind of was reflecting on what she said- was I really too selfish? Anyways, we then headed to K BOX IN THE END TO SING OUT HEARTS OUT~!

We were inside this place singing till 10 plus.
Of course, none of us were in the mood for school the next day though.
Anyways, thanks for the company~! <3

I hope this bond we share will continue.

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