Monday, December 24, 2012


My first week of holidays was like riding on the waves- everything just happened so fast that I didn't keep track of time. The only thing that I hated was probably the fact that time flies when you are having fun. Only one more week of holidays left and then back to the crazy 6 weeks of school and 1 week of exams and then holidays again! Yes, I am already looking forward to the next holiday when this short break haven't even ended. Haha, what's new right?

First up, I will be talking about BONDFEST2012. It is not a big hit, but we did meet our objective of the carnival- which is to bond the community. It heart-warming to see parents and children playing the games together and communicating in their very own ways to complete the task, something priceless. I have to admit, I didn't do a lot of things this time round. So, I am going thank Ruth Lim, Yan Wei & Becky for helping me do what I was suppose to do- painting posters, drawing posters and props preparation. I cannot appreciate them more. I also want to thank my friends who came down to help mend the stalls despite how early the meeting time is and how far you all stayed. Yes, I am referring to all my juniors who made it a point to come!

Of course, a special thanks to this brother of mine, Terence. I'm not quite sure if this event really did bring him the experience that he was looking for because it wasn't a large scale event. However, thanks for taking the extra effort to help out in cutting and trying to draw the poster. Another special thanks to Maryanne! Because she was the only person that "don't know" anyone. Other than that, I called her to help out last minute. I don't know if she pushed her plans or not, but I was glad she came to help.

I hope everyone had a good time.

Next up, is YOUTHCAMP2012. Honestly, if anyone were to ask me if this camp, I would say this camp is planned to be unplanned by God. Because most of the leaders were all down, like that how to plan? But, the miraculous thing is that, we still had the encounter we wanted and I believe everyone brought something back home. I also got to learnt more about my own cell group members. Guess I still have a lot to work on..nonetheless, I shall let the photos do the talking!



OPPA! :)
3D2N might be short, but enough.
#PeopleEdwardLove #TDY <3

Lastly, I will talking about THOSEWERETHEDAYS2012 performance at Woodlands NLB. This is the last task for my role in the committee of GEnRe! I am so happy that I can finally rest and pass down. It really brought lots of memories by just thinking of what I have done in GEnRe- meeting new friends, learning new songs, conquering stage-fright, administrative work, arguing to planning. I want to thank my current committee for being there to support me as acting president. Although it was just for a short while, I'm contented to be able to lead. I am sure not everyone approve of my leadership style and how I get things done, so I guess a sorry is still needed before I step down. I hope the next batch of committee will do a better job than us.

Anyways, this performance wasn't really well planned because of many reasons. But, I am still glad it went smoothly although there were minor hiccups here and there. I hope this performance gave my juniors the exposure they needed to face their next challenge- the 343 sitting theater in TRCC. Anyways, good job guys! You all made me proud to be apart of GEnRe.


To "celebrate", I spend my whole of Saturday with GEnRe.
We went for bowling and the dinner.
Thanks for adding salt and pepper into my life.

To end of, I realized the need to build real relationships.
Relationship is really important.
A good relationship take time and cultivation from different parties.
When relationship is healthy, there is very little chance to divide or discredit.
Big bloopers will soon be forgiven, little hiccups will soon be forgotten.
We will also enjoy deeper commitment to one another.
Standing together through thick and thin, success or failure, for good or for worse.

Having said this much, I think I also need to be more transparent.
Yes, being more open might mean myself getting hurt, disappointed and all sorts of negative stuffs.
But at the end of the day, I believe it's a give and take.

You will never know, if you never tried.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


Have you ever asked yourself what does it means to be termed "best friend" by someone else? Does it mean you know each other well enough? Does it mean to always meet up? Does it mean you are comfortable to tell your secrets to him or her? Does it mean to always be there when you need someone to talk and listen to? Does it mean that he or she knows when to scold you and when to listen to you? Or does it mean that you have known him or her for very long? The possibilities are probably close to endless. Now then, who should be termed as "best friend"? For me, a best friend is someone who is able to dish out advice gently, not afraid of correcting me if I am wrong, and finally someone whom I feel free to approach. So are you wondering why I am blogging this? I also don't really know-  but I think it's got to do with whatever that has happened recently.

I always believed that there is no such thing as coincidence- there is always a reason and purpose for everything. And because of this, I try to cherish everyone I meet. But, apparently, not everyone knows how to appreciate. Maybe I need to fine tune my mindset- being too naive might be a cost for being hurt. Let's see how things will turn out! Shall not think so much! :)

Moving on, I want to dedicate this portion of the post to my 6 years and 6 hours apart best girlfriend- IRENE TAN SOO SOO~! Trust me, I am really happy for you because you finally found someone that have feelings for you. More importantly, thanks for letting me know about your "第一春"~! I really hope this person can cherish you. Then again, I am sad because I can no longer fight with you like we used to :( else that person might get jealous and beat me up...HAHA! Have boyfriend already, 你不能望记我喔! I still want your papa to drive me home and go buy prawn noodle together! Also, know that you can approach me anytime alright?! I still got the "有一点不舍得" feeling :( Aiya, think too much, HAHA!

18/19 (1994) <3
Come to think of it, thanks for always being there when nobody is. Thanks for not following the "herd-mentality" when everyone else did. Thanks for tolerating and accepting who I am. Thanks for all the crazy moments together since we met till now. I treat you like my little sister like that- so 不要怕! If that guy bully, tell me. I will beat him up kk! LOL, we can beat him up together!! Cherish each other kk. Love you sister!

Everyone around me is trying so hard to find their the other half. It sets me thinking if I should give it a go or not. I think I haven't really been considering this. Maybe its high time I start thinking about it. "If I don't try, how will I know I am not ready?" But still, I am going to take it at slow pace, no rush! Hehe.

Anyways, it is just two more weeks before 2012 finally comes to an end. Looking back, I think 2012 holds one of the most valuable memories in my life till date. Honestly, I did not had a clear picture where I was heading. Although now, I still do not know where I am heading. And I kind of know why already. Because each time, after I accomplish my goal, I go aimless for awhile until I find something new to achieve. Someone once told me: "Life is about fulfilling goals..upon accomplishing one goal, you move on to the next goal." I didn't quite understand that at first, but now I think I do understand a little- it is what we want, that keeps us going, keeps us fighting and keeps us alive. 2013 is going to have a big impact on my life- there will be internship, another semester of school, new friends, serving the nation and more hurdles to jump. With this, I've decided to start a new chapter.

Friday, December 14, 2012


Gonna be real busy.
Shall update this blog soon! :)

Monday, December 10, 2012


It is exactly 6 days to my 2 weeks of term break. I am not sure if it is a holiday for me or not though...I have lots of activities that are packed in just that two weeks worth of holidays and on top of that preparing for UT2- both the marketing and business plan proposal. Honestly, I prefer to do UT then do proposal because I think there is just so much things to do.

An overview of my schedule...

BONDFEST- 15 Dec 2012
YOUTH CAMP- 18 to 20 Dec 2012

With this, my first week of holidays is gone...

Sigh...moving on, will be my beloved GEnRe. I need to pass down to my juniors by December. But problem is we are still deciding who to placed in which role. I personally think it is tough because we all mixed ability with impression and friendship- which would in turn complicate the decision making process. This is the time where I have to "play the bad guy"- making objective decision even if my members is going to not like it.

Then of course, I am working. And it just so happens that my manager decides to send me for NEA course together with a food and hygiene course because he needs me to be certified. I am more then happy to attend this course because the company is footing the course fees and the certificate will benefit me but there is exams at the end of the day and on top of it, it is a full day course!! Yes, I know I am complaining again as usual. More importantly, nobody is going with me. This...SUCKS BIG TIME.

And last but not least, is the proposals! I am not sure how I am going to it, but I hope someone can do it with me, especially EOM because it is individual work. Then, I hope my Entrepreneurship team will pull through this business plan man. Then, I am still considering Ms Ow's offer to join the marketing competition where if my group wins, I will get internship to London at some place...she seemed quite keen for me to join the competition, nonetheless, if I have to reject her, I will.

I promised to reflect on 2012 during my holidays. Shall find one day to push everything aside.

Anyways...I watched some Taiwan movie online because I wasn't able to watch it in cinema when it is out because of age restrictions! I thought the shows brings out different values and aspect of life.

This show is quite funny if you were to imagine how it is being filmed.
Nonetheless, I like the story-line.
The main actor quite pretty, haha.
Brings back my secondary school memories...

 After watching this show, I think it talks about brotherhood?
Because they cared for one another too much- hence, killed one another in the end.
I was reflecting how much my friends would do for me.
I saw this saying that goes "Instead of appreciating everything, you expect it.."
I kind of hit me because during my birthday, I expected my friends to buy cake and celebrate with me, which did happened. See the link now? I expected it instead of appreciating it.
Reflecting on sequences of event here and there...
Anyways, there is my favorite male actor in this show, Ethan Ruan. HAHA.

Alright, I have more to blog, but have not time.
Shall do it next time.

What if I am not ready to let you go?


Sunday, December 02, 2012


Another week is officially over! As usual, I am tired and am always looking forward to a long break from like, everything. I shall aim to go to the beach by the end of 2012 to just enjoy the sea breeze and do nothing but reflecting on 2012 before 2013- another year of resolutions. Anyways, I am quite sure I will be able to do that during the break from school in December. Sounds boring, but I think I need it. Anyways this week, I am quite disappointed with myself. And it is emotionally draining to bottle this up and so I decided to blog about it...

A few days ago, my Dad came back home with a swelled-up face and scratches all over his body. And of course, naturally, my siblings and I asked him what happened. He gave the most ridiculous answer, "I fell down the drain..." And there I was, in my mind, concerned yet knew that he was lying to us. Because falling down the drain wouldn't have cause so much of a swell. In the end, I concluded the same thing- he did not change at all since. Having passed this "judgement" on my Dad, I became angry instead of concern. I asked Tracy about it, she said I have to believe in my Dad because I might never have the chance to do so next time and so on. Yes, I have to admit, I was really concerned, but just unwilling to show it.

And days later, I found out from my Aunt that he met with a car accident in the morning before I left for school. This is when I had an so many questions in my mind, yet unable to answer them. This was also why I wanted to walk to school, need some fresh air. However, I still had unbelief. How bad can I get? Don't even believe in my own Dad, just pathetic huh? Of course, everything changed when during one of the night, my Uncle and Auntie came to visit my Dad! And they all are asking details about the car accident...

I am so disappoint with myself, really. My Dad created a white lie so that I wouldn't be so worried about him, and I freaking thought other-wise. I was guilt-stricken. Why didn't I believed him when all he was trying to do was to protect me. Come to think of it, he could have died during the car accident! Felt so screwed. Of course, I didn't talk about it. Anyways on the other hand, it is really hear-warming to know that people care. Seeing my Auntie and Uncle's concern, I almost teared. And looking how many my Dad's face was, I was slightly relieved. It's been awhile since I saw him smile so widely. I want to see it again. Shall continue working hard so next time, I will be able to give him a relaxing retiree life. Of course, having typed so much, you would've guessed how my week went. It is not entirely bad but I was really down. Not sure if anyone notice the difference though. I guess not.

Of course, with that matter aside, I am still thinking I did not anything much to contribute to BondFest 2012. Why am I even in the planning committee?! I just feel really bad that I am not doing as much as I thought I would have. Shit this feeling! :/ Not going to elaborate more on it. Just don't feel good about it. 

Also, I am finally going to pass down my position in GEnRe as acting president/ event & marketing manager. Of course, this is also another matter that stress my up pretty much- who should I choose to pass down? Looking at how everyone is filling in names for the position, I really hope that GEnRe will be brought to a whole new level- more active in TRCC. There is just so many things that I wished I did. And then, there is a performance in Woodlands Library on the 22nd December- I haven't do any publicity yet..Oh well.

This week isn't all bad. I am really proud of my EOM class. They managed to produce this video as a marketing tool to attract people to our haunted school for JIVE Fiesta. A little background about JIVE Fiesta- it is a fund raising event that helps raise funds for needy students. Quite meaningful huh? And in conjunction, the planning to execution of the event is like a competition with other class- see who can get the most funds at the end of the day. Hopefully, we will reap good fruits.

I realized this is a really wordy post. So I thought I conclude this post with this!

"I've learnt that people will forget what you said, what you did.
But they'll never forget how they felt."