Sunday, December 16, 2012


Have you ever asked yourself what does it means to be termed "best friend" by someone else? Does it mean you know each other well enough? Does it mean to always meet up? Does it mean you are comfortable to tell your secrets to him or her? Does it mean to always be there when you need someone to talk and listen to? Does it mean that he or she knows when to scold you and when to listen to you? Or does it mean that you have known him or her for very long? The possibilities are probably close to endless. Now then, who should be termed as "best friend"? For me, a best friend is someone who is able to dish out advice gently, not afraid of correcting me if I am wrong, and finally someone whom I feel free to approach. So are you wondering why I am blogging this? I also don't really know-  but I think it's got to do with whatever that has happened recently.

I always believed that there is no such thing as coincidence- there is always a reason and purpose for everything. And because of this, I try to cherish everyone I meet. But, apparently, not everyone knows how to appreciate. Maybe I need to fine tune my mindset- being too naive might be a cost for being hurt. Let's see how things will turn out! Shall not think so much! :)

Moving on, I want to dedicate this portion of the post to my 6 years and 6 hours apart best girlfriend- IRENE TAN SOO SOO~! Trust me, I am really happy for you because you finally found someone that have feelings for you. More importantly, thanks for letting me know about your "第一春"~! I really hope this person can cherish you. Then again, I am sad because I can no longer fight with you like we used to :( else that person might get jealous and beat me up...HAHA! Have boyfriend already, 你不能望记我喔! I still want your papa to drive me home and go buy prawn noodle together! Also, know that you can approach me anytime alright?! I still got the "有一点不舍得" feeling :( Aiya, think too much, HAHA!

18/19 (1994) <3
Come to think of it, thanks for always being there when nobody is. Thanks for not following the "herd-mentality" when everyone else did. Thanks for tolerating and accepting who I am. Thanks for all the crazy moments together since we met till now. I treat you like my little sister like that- so 不要怕! If that guy bully, tell me. I will beat him up kk! LOL, we can beat him up together!! Cherish each other kk. Love you sister!

Everyone around me is trying so hard to find their the other half. It sets me thinking if I should give it a go or not. I think I haven't really been considering this. Maybe its high time I start thinking about it. "If I don't try, how will I know I am not ready?" But still, I am going to take it at slow pace, no rush! Hehe.

Anyways, it is just two more weeks before 2012 finally comes to an end. Looking back, I think 2012 holds one of the most valuable memories in my life till date. Honestly, I did not had a clear picture where I was heading. Although now, I still do not know where I am heading. And I kind of know why already. Because each time, after I accomplish my goal, I go aimless for awhile until I find something new to achieve. Someone once told me: "Life is about fulfilling goals..upon accomplishing one goal, you move on to the next goal." I didn't quite understand that at first, but now I think I do understand a little- it is what we want, that keeps us going, keeps us fighting and keeps us alive. 2013 is going to have a big impact on my life- there will be internship, another semester of school, new friends, serving the nation and more hurdles to jump. With this, I've decided to start a new chapter.

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