Sunday, December 02, 2012


Another week is officially over! As usual, I am tired and am always looking forward to a long break from like, everything. I shall aim to go to the beach by the end of 2012 to just enjoy the sea breeze and do nothing but reflecting on 2012 before 2013- another year of resolutions. Anyways, I am quite sure I will be able to do that during the break from school in December. Sounds boring, but I think I need it. Anyways this week, I am quite disappointed with myself. And it is emotionally draining to bottle this up and so I decided to blog about it...

A few days ago, my Dad came back home with a swelled-up face and scratches all over his body. And of course, naturally, my siblings and I asked him what happened. He gave the most ridiculous answer, "I fell down the drain..." And there I was, in my mind, concerned yet knew that he was lying to us. Because falling down the drain wouldn't have cause so much of a swell. In the end, I concluded the same thing- he did not change at all since. Having passed this "judgement" on my Dad, I became angry instead of concern. I asked Tracy about it, she said I have to believe in my Dad because I might never have the chance to do so next time and so on. Yes, I have to admit, I was really concerned, but just unwilling to show it.

And days later, I found out from my Aunt that he met with a car accident in the morning before I left for school. This is when I had an so many questions in my mind, yet unable to answer them. This was also why I wanted to walk to school, need some fresh air. However, I still had unbelief. How bad can I get? Don't even believe in my own Dad, just pathetic huh? Of course, everything changed when during one of the night, my Uncle and Auntie came to visit my Dad! And they all are asking details about the car accident...

I am so disappoint with myself, really. My Dad created a white lie so that I wouldn't be so worried about him, and I freaking thought other-wise. I was guilt-stricken. Why didn't I believed him when all he was trying to do was to protect me. Come to think of it, he could have died during the car accident! Felt so screwed. Of course, I didn't talk about it. Anyways on the other hand, it is really hear-warming to know that people care. Seeing my Auntie and Uncle's concern, I almost teared. And looking how many my Dad's face was, I was slightly relieved. It's been awhile since I saw him smile so widely. I want to see it again. Shall continue working hard so next time, I will be able to give him a relaxing retiree life. Of course, having typed so much, you would've guessed how my week went. It is not entirely bad but I was really down. Not sure if anyone notice the difference though. I guess not.

Of course, with that matter aside, I am still thinking I did not anything much to contribute to BondFest 2012. Why am I even in the planning committee?! I just feel really bad that I am not doing as much as I thought I would have. Shit this feeling! :/ Not going to elaborate more on it. Just don't feel good about it. 

Also, I am finally going to pass down my position in GEnRe as acting president/ event & marketing manager. Of course, this is also another matter that stress my up pretty much- who should I choose to pass down? Looking at how everyone is filling in names for the position, I really hope that GEnRe will be brought to a whole new level- more active in TRCC. There is just so many things that I wished I did. And then, there is a performance in Woodlands Library on the 22nd December- I haven't do any publicity yet..Oh well.

This week isn't all bad. I am really proud of my EOM class. They managed to produce this video as a marketing tool to attract people to our haunted school for JIVE Fiesta. A little background about JIVE Fiesta- it is a fund raising event that helps raise funds for needy students. Quite meaningful huh? And in conjunction, the planning to execution of the event is like a competition with other class- see who can get the most funds at the end of the day. Hopefully, we will reap good fruits.

I realized this is a really wordy post. So I thought I conclude this post with this!

"I've learnt that people will forget what you said, what you did.
But they'll never forget how they felt."

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