Moving on, I also when to Labrador Park some weeks ago. Hmmm, come to think of it, I did receive an SMS by this 'special' person inviting me to this event and I replied it. Guess what? It was actually the church's number. Haha! But I thought the agenda of this short catch-up session was good. Although it rained, I enjoyed myself. Hopefully, ThirDaYouth in 2012, would be able to grow not just physically but also spiritually as well.
ME & BUDDY! <3 |
This is my buddy. Haha, we first started off as accountability partners texting each other almost everyday!! And through SMS-ing, I give almost everyone in church nicknames- KKB, JJB, KKS, ESE, MSM. It rather funny how we came to know each other; it was via my sister. Anyways, I thank God for him because he is always there for me when I needed him and giving me advice. Not forgetting the amount of time we spent together working in Blk32 with the kids. Ahhhh, miss those times. We are still texting each other, but not as often because of our school and staffs; nonetheless, whatever the problem is, Marcus, I am here for you! :)
ME. DEREK -____- |
Anyways, recently, Pastor told me that I would be sort of 'promoted'? I am not sure how this thing goes but I am suppose to take up the role of a leader; something on the line. Of course, there is a lot of questions left unasked, unquestioned but I am going to test God! Time will tell everything.
Haha, next would be my IG- GEnRe! Nothing much really happened. But I am happy with the progress of the new piece Grand Solo and it sounds like pirate song~ I like. Anyways, Isa is back into the bass section. I also hope Nisa would also come back as well. Things were so much livelier last time when everyone was there. Oh well, other than that, I am rushing through the report for our concert Genvagaza 2012. I hope everything would go smoothly without any hiccups from our adviser; whom I was told is irritating and annoying. Other than that I would need inspirations to do the poster! Meanwhile, I hope the concert would be a success and our hard work would pull off! :)
I still remember coming into RP telling myself I want to become a sportsmen; but I cancelled out floorball because I didn't really get along with my team-mates. Ok, I want to be honest, because I don't like it when I do not understand anything they say in MALAY. Oh well, because I am a Chinese. Ok can. So I went for badminton trials and fail. How motivating. Finally I landed myself in Tchoukball. I went with WenFung and we went there and realized boys' training is on the next day. Sigh, so not my day that time. Nonetheless, I still attended the boys' training for one time and then I do not know why I choose GEnRe over Tchoukball! HAHAHAHAHAHA. Now I am like running to keep myself fit. Hopefully, I would not die in NS.
This is a actually the birthday cake for our conductor, Alex! Baked by HuiYi. The cake is damn good, no joke. I think she can open bakery shop and earn a living from there. Hahahahaha! :)
Next up, KRR! Time really flies huh? It is almost a 3/4 of year I am working there. If you ask me, I think I would miss working there if I quit. Talking about quitting, AhSheng quit already. He is one of the good friends I can talk to when I need help in KRR. So sad he left but on the bright side he have got a better paying job now at some hotel. Wish him and his girlfriend a bright future ahead! :)
Also, after the next semester starts, Reiko, Cynthia, Irene & XueYi would have quit. I wonder what would be left of KRR?! SUPER LACK OF MANPOWER. Hmmm, I might consider quitting as well. This would mean more time to do other things. But I think I might quit after I do my resume? At least I can get KRR to write something good for me in my resume. Oh well, just saying..
Ain't this green monster cute?! Even my MissOng, my outlet manager wants to take photo with it!
Thanks Reiko for that shot! :)
Oh, that is me when I am working. Like a young boy with cap and apron.
Alright, moving on...
There is this annoying bot in MSN. It is freaking annoying because it was sexually harassing me during lessons! I was ever more stupid enough to reply it -.-
Anyways, thank Greg for telling me it is a bot and solving the problem.
This year wasn't really as good as previous years where more people came to my house. Hmmm, I think it is because of everything that has happen to my family? Knowing that I would not receive a lot of ANGBAO this year, I gave my manager my schedule to work on the first day of CNY. But I did not regret working! Considering the amount of people I have met and work with for that day. It made me conclude that KKR Suntec branch people are more friendly and united.
Anyways, back to the topic on CNY. This year's dinner wasn't that good because my Auntie was lazy to cook. Nevertheless, those nice dishes still remain. Really miss my Ahma's cooking...
If only I was more mature that time...then I would know what it means to appreciate.
Anyways, I photo-shopped these photos. Pardon my photo-shopping skills. I was just testing things out so that I can do my IG's concert poster.
FU! |
During dinner, I received an SMS from Mum. I am really glad I received the SMS; at least I know she is still fine in Thailand. Well, the SMS left me tearing as usual. I hope she is doing fine. Really. I only pray hard that she is in good health and that I would be able to go visit her one day and at least be a good son once. I really miss those times when there is someone telling me to do things, someone waking me up for school, someone punishing me, someone cooking my favourite Thai-TomYam Soup and Bitter-Veggie Soup which I hate, someone wanting me to message for her, someone cooking taking care of me when I am falling and the list can just go on and on...It sucks to be too independent; having to do things by yourself. Not forgetting I have to be a role model for my siblings; taking care of them when my Dad works. See how time flies? I haven't seen her for almost 7 years and I have grown up now. Although I hate her, I love her too. A chance to change everything was all I wished a child.
Thanks for all the AngBao(s)!
Haha, of course, I cannot stay in the room crying right? My younger brother brought this, so I drank half of it in one shot? And come to think of it, there is still one more can of beer in the fridge. I am only drinking it because it is CNY. Alright, my brother and sister both went visiting but I decided to stay at home. But guess what? The money I have collect is more than them~ Winner! :)
In the midst of celebrations, there is a need to go to school. Sigh, spoils the mood. I could have rested for the whole day! Anyways, having to go back to school is already a drag, not to mention it is HTM. And also, I have been late! Shall stop this pattern from occurring too often, I need my grades to maintain my GPA, right? And I will need to study for UT3, got this feeling that my GPA confirm going to drop..!
Anyways, food for thought is always the pull factor!
I was craving for the fries because it reminds me of how my Mum would any'o'how fries something new and experiment on me. Hahahahaha! And my maid too! Can you believe she cooked TOMATO KWAY TEOW? Imagine me eating it. Ok, it is all of the past. Anyways, I lunched with YueLei, HuiWen and Davinna. We are like some hungry ghost! And I realized that my tolerance for spiciness have very much 'de-proved' after trying the ma-la stall's soup. Nonetheless, thanks for the accompany! :)
Wow! I cannot believe I made such a long post.
I realized the we all miss out little things that is happening around us. It may seem small for that moment but after losing that thing, it may seem quite big and significant. Then again, we all tend to forget these minor details because we thought it will always be there. Life is too short to leave things leave unsaid, do things that are not impossible- It is a matter of whether I want to or not.
Shall end with this quote...
'Life is not about milestones; but it is about moments.'
Do not to take things for granted, because you have already lost too much.
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